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In a competitive marketplace, where customers have infinite choices, 重要的是要从人群中脱颖而出,提供每一个解决方案,帮助按时、完整地交付产品,同时建立客户忠诚度和品牌知名度. One such solution is white glove shipping service, 其中包括对有价值和敏感的货物给予特别关注和处理的增值“额外”服务.

What is white glove delivery service exactly?

白手套服务不仅仅是收集你的产品并把它们送到目的地. 它包括托运人和承运人作出额外的努力,以确保您的产品与高护理到达. For example, depending on your location or on-hand peoplepower, you may need extra help packing, boxing or crating your items, or getting them padded and wrapped for pickup. 这些都是白手套航运服务的例子.

Additionally, when your item reaches its final destination, 您可以选择白手套航运服务,有您的物品打开包装和包装拖走. 您甚至可以要求承运商提供组装、安装和其他服务.

Just remember that each extra touch equals extra cost. So, 在预订您的货物和白手套送货服务之前,请确保您了解您的确切提货和送货需求.

Is white glove shipping service just a fad?

Not hardly. According to Verified Market Research, “现代消费者越来越多地购买昂贵的产品,比如家具, jewelry, major household appliances, and other items online, 为白手套服务或白手套配送的繁荣铺平道路."

Statistically speaking, 同一项研究还表明,白手套航运服务的需求将以7%的复合年增长率(CAGR)增长.28% through 2030. 这仅仅意味着你的客户需求会越来越大 customizable freight shipping, and to stay profitable you must provide it.

Types of Businesses That Use White Glove Shipping

每个公司都可能需要白手套航运服务. 但是,以下托运人类型比其他托运人更需要这些服务:

  • Furniture and high-end electronics
  • Art galleries
  • Antique stores
  • Medical suppliers
  • E-commerce businesses
  • Vehicle dealerships
  • Luxury goods suppliers
  • Exercise equipment distributors

当您不确定是否需要白手套送货服务时,a third-party logistics (3PL) provider can help you determine when they are necessary.


有很多公司说他们提供白手套货运解决方案. 但是,像您这样的托运人在分析您的选择时应该寻找以下提供商:

3PL companies

这些运输合作伙伴通常会提供全套货运选择,包括白手套运输,以确保对您的产品进行最高级的护理. And when white glove isn't necessary, they can provide less-than-truckload (LTL), full truckload (FTL), international and other specialty freight services.

Specialized carriers

As the name implies, 这些承运人专门从事特定类型的运输,包括超大的产品, temperature-sensitive shipments, hazmat materials and other white glove solutions. 在与这些运营商开展业务之前,询问他们是否有你需要的选择.

Moving companies

这些类型的公司通常坚持把物品从一家搬到另一家或从一家企业搬到另一家企业. 他们很常见,但确实提供服务,以确保高价值或易碎物品被额外小心移动.

Company-owned fleets

公司拥有的卡车经常被用来为拥有它们的企业运送产品. If your business owns trucks, 然后,您当然可以实施白手套解决方案,以确保内部运输为产品提供更高的护理.


白手套快递服务还有很多托运人可能没有想到的周边优势. Some advantages include:

  • Customers will remember you 为您的个性化体验,并在未来寻求您的业务.
  • 顾客会把他们与你的互动作为一种感觉良好的体验 因为你小心翼翼地运送了他们最珍贵的货物.
  • Word of mouth marketing 当涉及到专业服务时,你的公司将处于谈话的最前沿.
  • You will become differentiated from other companies 他们只提供标准的货运服务,没有专门的服务.
  • You will become more profitable by offering services 对于那些需要和期望专业化运输的客户来说,利润更高是很重要的.

In the end, 提供白手套航运服务将为您扩大业务规模提供短期和长期的好处.


As mentioned, 白手套运输可以与客户建立长期的关系,如果你提供他们所需要的关怀和质量的运输. 特别是,您可以提供以下结果以获得最佳回报:

  • Ultimate unboxing experience. 想象一下,当他们的重要和/或脆弱的货物如期送达时,他们会有什么感受.
  • Attention to detail, tailored to specific needs. 如果你提供其他托运人没有的服务,那么客户就会记住你.
  • Convenient assembly and dismantle option. For those customers with limited resources, 提供组装和拆卸方面的帮助将使您成为首选业务.
  • Expertly trained carriers. 与业内最好的运营商合作将使你的客户对你的服务更有信心, which means repeat business.
  • Personalized attention and customer service. 你的客户会觉得你特别,因为你付出了额外的努力来交付他们有价值的产品.

Need white glove shipping service? Contact 十大菠菜台子

十大菠菜台子是一家领先的第三方物流(3PL)公司 top freight solutions to thousands of shippers across the nation. Now, as part of WWEX Group alongside Worldwide Express and Unishippers, 我们用我们的综合资源支持托运人度过繁荣和动荡的时期, 金融稳定和全套服务——包括白手套解决方案.

希望了解十大菠菜台子如何通过提供行业领先的白手套运输服务来帮助您提升业务? Connect with an expert today!

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