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The freight recession has caused havoc across the nation, 和 as a freight shipper you have probably noticed its impact. 结果是, 你想知道货运衰退对你意味着什么,你该如何度过难关.

In our blog post below, 十大菠菜台子分析了货运商可能听到的有关当前经济衰退的一些传言. And as a leading third-party logistics (3PL) company, 我们还提供了一些建议,在航运合作伙伴中寻找什么,可以帮助您在这次经济衰退和未来的经济衰退中保持盈利.

Myth 1: It's Rare That We Experience Freight Recessions

货运衰退是指对货运服务的需求显著减少的一段时间. These events happen more frequently than you might expect. 除了我们目前正在经历的货运衰退外,2008年和2019年也出现了衰退. 在这两种情况下,许多货运公司为了生存不得不削减和精简业务. With the recent closure of Yellow 和 Convoy carrier companies, this recession is turning out to be similar in nature to those in the past. 这意味着托运人应该预料到未来运费的衰退,并寻求长期的解决方案,以始终帮助他们度过繁荣和动荡的时期.

Myth 2: Blame for the Freight Recession Rests Solely On a Slow Economy

A slowing economy has certainly contributed to the current freight recession. 然而, most analysts point the finger at COVID. During the p和emic, 消费者行为发生了变化,因为越来越多的人被困在家里,并以前所未有的方式订购产品. It was a boon period for the freight industry. 结果是, 市场上充斥着利用这种货运服务新需求的新承运人. It also meant carriers could raise freight rates due to capacity constraints. But since the COVID lockdown ended, consumer behavior has normalized to pre-p和emic levels, 在市场上留下了过剩的运力,航空公司争夺负载.

另外, many companies overstocked their warehouses during COVID, believing p和emic consumer behavior was the new normal. 现在,他们的库存超过了销售能力,也不一定需要covid级别的货运解决方案. This has left freight carriers fighting for every single bit of business.

Underst和ing the exact nature of the freight recession is complicated. Freight Waves provides a very detailed historical analysis that helps make sense of it all.

Myth 3: 十大菠菜台子 Get Lower Freight Rates During a Recession

目前,市场上的货运能力大于需求. 这仅仅意味着更多的卡车和运输公司正在竞争同一项业务,并提供能够吸引货物同时保持营业的费率水平. It's highly competitive to say the least.

但请记住, as mentioned earlier, rates were elevated during COVID, so it's not necessarily fair to compare now-versus-then rates. 不管, 无论是在正常时期还是在动荡时期,寻找获得最佳运费率并与承运人建立牢固关系的方法是托运人获得持续成功的最佳途径.

Myth 4: This Freight Downturn Is Almost Over

简而言之,没有人确切知道货运衰退何时会结束. 然而, 领先的行业分析师预测,2024年下半年将走向正常化, but still far from what we saw in the industry during p和emic times. 美国全国广播公司财经频道(CNBC)公布了一项调查结果,他们请物流专家预测航运业将如何以及何时复苏. You can check it out here.

6 Ways a 3PL Can Help You During a Trucking Recession

与业内领先的第三方物流供应商合作,可以帮助您在航运业的动荡时期度过难关, including the current freight recession. 顶级第三方物流应该能够为您提供以下解决方案,以帮助您保持盈利, secure top freight rates 和 build carrier relationships for the long term.

Strategic shipping guidance

顶级第三方物流公司应该在航运业有悠久的成功历史,并在简化您的航运业务的各个方面提供帮助. 这应该包括对整个供应链的改进提出建议——无论是货运, 采购, 技术 or other solutions.

Financial stability

不幸的是, 许多航空公司和物流公司发现,在货运衰退期间很难保持盈利. 询问潜在第三方物流公司的财务稳定性,以及他们是否投资了标准货运以外的各种运输模式,包括国际航运, 包裹服务和多式联运-这有助于他们在动荡时期保持稳定. 毕竟, 你最不需要的就是与在经济衰退时期苦苦挣扎的第三方物流公司或运营商合作.

技术 investments

During adverse times, shippers like you need to maintain shipping stability, 简化操作,制定长期的运输策略,这将使您在经济衰退期间得到更好的服务. 技术 solutions are a major component in this task. In particular, a transportation management system (TMS) allows you to find trucks, 比较利率, 增加保险, control invoicing 和 monitor shipments with real-time shipping visibility. 一个顶级的第三方物流应该能够提供这个平台,以及技术支持来帮助你.

Industry 和 carrier relationships

During a time when carriers are unfortunately going out of business, 与拥有庞大运营商网络的第三方物流公司合作非常重要. In particular, a 3PL should give you access to a vetted network of less-than-truckload, 完整的卡车expedited freight carriers that can move your products quickly. 他们还应该与这些运营商建立深厚的关系,并为你提供预先协商好的费率,从而为你省钱.

Superb account management

In turbulent times, 您需要访问专家,无论何时您需要帮助您的航运-在实时. 顶级第三方物流应该提供高级的账户管理服务,帮助您完成最简单的任务, 以及那些可能与货运衰退等更大问题有关的问题. Account teams can help you navigate shipping strategy, 技术, change in shipping solutions, 定价, carrier selection 和 so much more.

Industry analysis

很难跟上并理解最新的货运衰退消息. 一个顶级的第三方物流公司应该配备行业专家,他们生活和呼吸最新的消息, numbers 和 outcomes from the shipping industry. 反过来, 他们还应该分享这些知识,并提供相关背景,说明这些知识对你和你的企业意味着什么.

Need freight recession assistance? 十大菠菜台子 can help.

十大菠菜台子在物流行业拥有数十年的经验,帮助成千上万的各种规模的托运人高效地移动产品. We are also part of WWEX Group, alongside Worldwide Express 和 Unishippers. 结合, 这三家公司构成了该行业最大和最多样化的第三方物流之一, 为托运人提供顶级解决方案和财务稳定性,帮助他们取得成功. Through our full suite of shipping solutions, we service more than 120,000 shipments daily, 并且拥有与几乎所有行业的各种规模的公司合作的资源和专业知识.

See how 十大菠菜台子 can help you transform your freight shipping. If you are ready to talk to an expert, reach out for a free consultation today!

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